26 September 2005

How some people manage to pity me

I have recently come to a startling but unsurprising and even obvious conclusion: in true love, I am basically looking for a clone of me.

I don't mean that completely literally. I admit that I have flaws (!), as it would be impossible for me to be 'perfect' in my ideal. So my potential true love could be slightly different from me, since I differ from what I ideally want to be. But the principal idea still stands.

As I have attempted to state many times previously, I want to be the best and greatest person ever. So this raises the question, how can I be the best and yet have an equal person as my true love? I will not have a lesser person as my true love, so this leaves three options:
i) By a grand coincidence, there exists one, and only one, other person in this world who is a perfect equal to me, and I will meet them and they will be my true love.
ii) I accept that I cannot be the greatest person ever.
iii) I become asexual.

This scares me, because options ii) and iii) would be tragic and option i) is overly romantic and completely unrealistic.


At September 26, 2005 10:05 p.m., Blogger carpo said...

Quoted verbatim from text originally published 20 February 2005.

If anyone feels inclined to post a counterargument, know that I know them very well already. But you know how arrogant I am.

And yeah, it's short, but it's one of the greatest pieces I've ever written.

At September 27, 2005 12:05 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, how about you toss the unrealistic vision of love and just go clubbing when you're old enough, injecting random women with your seamen thus increasing your chances of intelligent offspring and their subsequent incestuality. It makes sense to me!

At September 27, 2005 8:26 p.m., Blogger carpo said...

I did not pass judgment on such casual sex. In fact, I am potentially in favour of it, when I'm not living with my parents.

However, doing so in an attempt to have children is foolhardy, since it would require the absence of a condom which is physically dangerous, and I would be morally and perhaps financially responsible for my many offspring. A more intelligent course of action in this respect is to donate to a bank. And incestuality has nothing at all to do with this, you're just being sensational.

And it's "semen". Dolt.

At September 29, 2005 8:51 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do believe anonymous was refering to your sperm as tiny sea men, like the ones in submarines; just smaller.

At September 29, 2005 9:19 p.m., Blogger carpo said...

Thanks for that bogus justification-in-hindsight, and for lacking the tact to admit you're the same person.

At September 30, 2005 8:20 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very clever.

At October 01, 2005 12:01 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Surprisingly, that wasn't the same person.

At October 01, 2005 9:40 p.m., Blogger carpo said...

You are all the same to me.

At October 03, 2005 8:17 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. You are our new god.

At October 03, 2005 9:12 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

you could build a sex robot.

-french class buddy

At October 20, 2005 2:01 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

since u deleted my commwent u can read it again THATS A GOOD IDEA.

At October 20, 2005 5:29 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeez bro.... don't tell dad you'd consider donating to a bank.... hasn't he given you the don't-donate-to-a-sperm-bank lecture yet?

At October 20, 2005 10:23 p.m., Blogger carpo said...

LOL, no. I'm not seriously considering donating to a bank, though if I wanted to I don't see what's so wrong about it, though I can see what Dad would say.

At December 17, 2005 10:11 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you have completly missed the point of finding true love, let alone just going out with someone. The point is not to find an equal (how interesting would that be) but to find somone who makes you happy and laugh. I know personaly I would never want to date a clone of myself, I would be to predictable because I would know exacly what the I was going to say even before I said it. I know this is an extreme, but you can relate it to someone who is a lot like you too. Anyway the point of this was to just tell you taht I think it is very silly to spend your life searching for yourself. Explore and live a little!

At December 21, 2005 11:33 p.m., Blogger carpo said...

You speak of effect--"happiness" and "laughter". I speak of the causes of these conceptual things, though certainly different for me than for you, and for me taken to an extreme.

At December 22, 2006 11:29 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

In a more humble and more objective perspective, as everyone is unique, class and levels of equality cannot be applied without prejudice. Thus can all people be seen as equal, and your idea of true love becomes more realistic. However, your quest of becoming the greatest human being seems to go against the idea that all humans are equal due to individuality, as being the greatest suggests being better than others, thus applying class and levels to people. Perhaps all people are the greatest, thus "greatestness" no longer exists, so that the search of true love can be more realistic. Or, perhaps, being the greatest is to embody the greatest of all aspects of human life. This, however, is difficult to determine, as greatness in any aspect of human life is subjective, and can differ depending on perspective. Or, to be the greatest is to simply meet and please the standards set by oneself. Thus to find true love, is to find the one who meets the same standards that one sets for oneself.

Aside from all the human objective analysis, I do agree with one (or more) of the anonymous(') in that the "effect" of true love is very important in real life, however the causes may be emphasized in concept. For me, it is not so important for the true love to meet a set of rules I set up in my mind as it is for that true love to create those effects mentioned--to make my heart smile. I believe that love does not refer to the potential criterias of a qualified candidate as much as it refers to affection that one may feel, or the devotion that one may show, and that true love is the absolute extent of the affection and devotion.

As for practical real life purposes, I don't believe in the pursuit of "true love" an romantic ideal, but rather "real love", the flawed reality. Part of what makes life interesting is that not everything is perfectly scripted to progress in an orderly fashion, but that flaws do exist. When I speak of flaws, I do not imply a negative connotation. In an objectively perspective, there's nothing right or wrong about flaws. In a subjective perspective, flaws can be viewed as what makes life "real" or seem "real", and interesting. If true love was perfectly harmonious and matches perfectly in all aspects of perfection, then true love would no longer mean a lot, since it is already possessed. But it is due to the constant struggles, misunderstandings, conflicts, and other such problems of real love that allows the contrasted resolves, connections, realizations, understandings, etc. to be relatively significant to a person.

Anyhow, due to my current human imperfections, what I've written probably won't make the fullest degree of sense, and would probably arouse much misunderstandings, assumptions, and prejudices from readers. But hey, atleast it has the potential of entertaining a few minds with another perspective.

At April 28, 2007 10:07 p.m., Blogger carpo said...

Dear reader:

I hope a reply four months late is excused on a timeless issue.

Your perspective is as realistic as mine. You attempt to be more realistic by accounting for "flaws", but fail to realize that neither flaws nor perfection are real. They exists in a man's mind. Perfection is to me what Flaws are to you, with the significant distinction that my perspective is more explicitly egotistic.

I know that in a relationship the little things matter most. However, like you, I yearn for a deeper meaning. It's comforting to have a grand theory for why I have yet to realize true love.


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