21 December 2005

On Philauthorphy

Will Durant says in The Story of Philosophy (p. 61):
We have always goodly stock in us of that which we condemn: as only similars can be profitably contrasted, so only similar people quarrel, and the bitterest wars are over the slightest variations of purpose or belief. . . . Aristotle is so ruthless with Plato because there is so much of Plato in him . . .

I agree. However, as a footnote, I am saying that a person in a bitter quarrel with a similar person is not necessarily blind to the fact that they are so alike, or that the quarrel should necessarily be less bitter since those involved have much in common. It is one thing if a person does not understand me, for then he is ignorant; but it is another thing if a person understands me completely but refutes me. Only in the latter is there a conscious denouncement of my way of life. For this reason, in a sense the latter is worse, and thus can the bitterness of the quarrel be justified.

However, it is possible that, especially in the realm of philosophy where the ultimate pursuit is knowledge, it is actually a superficial rather than a genuine bitterness. In this case the quarrellers are in fact very naturally revelling in the simple state of affairs that they can have so fierce a quarrel; because to be able to quarrel as such, both participants must understand fully the other's train of thought. And though they may disagree, the mutual understanding is nonetheless a validation of existence for each person, and a rare validation--for it is very seldom that a person is found who can understand to this extent.


At December 22, 2005 5:37 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ive come to the conclusion that too much philosophy is not healthy.
Philosophy, whether it be as a prop, a sedative,
medicine, redemption, elevation, or self-alienation. For the latter it is
merely a beautiful luxury -
The unconscious disguise of
physiological needs under the cloaks of the objective, ideal, purely
spiritual goes to frightening lengths -- and often I have asked myself
whether, taking a large view, philosophy has not been merely an
interpretation of the body and a *misunderstanding of the body*.
-- let
us say, health, future, growth, power, life.

If your interested in all my views,i will expand on what i have just wrote,visit http://www.livejournal.com/users/mwlm_enoughsaid/

At December 22, 2005 6:51 p.m., Blogger carpo said...

That made no sense. In addition that is not original material and thus needs to be recognized as such and sourced, so others do not think that those are your ideas. Though in this case plaigiarism did not make you look smarter, beyond the fact that the lifted text was grammatically correct.

At December 22, 2005 7:08 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well all in all i knew you would check to see if it was plagarism.

It's just what you would do.

my publicity stunt worked,thats all that matters.

At December 23, 2005 6:30 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Write something about Christmas.

At December 25, 2005 12:36 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

So.... is there anything in this blog that represents something REMOTELY happy? You seem to criticize everyone but yourself. Why?

At December 28, 2005 9:02 p.m., Blogger carpo said...

Expected answer: Because I'm better than everyone else.

That was simply too easy, and since I'm so agreeable right now I will actually address your questions:

Writing my blog entries makes me happy. Whether it satisfies my readers is entirely their business. Certainly it is not impossible for someone to be happy in reading my entries. However I think that my entries are better suited to satisfy the intellect.

As for your second point: it is simply untrue. I do criticize myself. You just probably don't remember it because I dismissed it as unimportant, as part of the general attitude of arrogance of this blog. Why this attitude? I enjoy it. The cause is most likely satiety of my ego. I can justify it stylistically: it offers some nice style opportunities, in allowing a phrase to carry a lot of weight without being very long.


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