Wake-Up Call
Here's what I'll do: begin a Wake-Up Call service. I'll get people to sign up, and then get up early one morning, and call each person for their Wake-Up Call. We'll have a conversation (which of course is the whole point), and I'll get three-way calling from the telephone company so that when it's time for the next person to Wake Up, I'll get them to join in, and so on. We'll have four, five, six person conversations. People will enjoy waking up!
Imagine that: people going to sleep so they can Wake Up in the morning.
Im guessing that at the age of six you wanted to be a cook. At seven a mathematician. And im guessing you're ambition has been growing steadily ever since.
Imagine living a life where you enjoy getting up to have the whole day. That's a way to live.
People will set you to snooze.
song # 8 the wake up call
Yeah it's 4
If you hate him so much then why do you even bother reading this?
Hate Stevey wonder? No way.
Yo, three way call is the max.
otherwise you have to call the operator and ask them to specifically add people. it sucks.
use skype (www.skype.com)
you have to use your computer but you can add up to nine people. kind of like iChat.
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