08 October 2006

How yuppies stuff themselves without eating, or inventing a time-saving-money-boosting nutrition pill

When I visited Harvard University in July with my Dad, we met a man and his wife and their son, who were also from out of town. The man said to my Dad, "Does your son have the same dream that my son has: to go to Harvard?" His son was in the ninth grade.

I quickly came to realize that schools like Harvard and Yale provide a superficial stuffing of the mind and soul for the intellectually and emotionally challenged, carrying on an instruction that begins even long before the ninth grade. (The philosopher can truly fill his mind, and stuff his soul himself; the artist can truly fill his soul, and does not care about his mind.) These schools teach yuppies to be leaders in their profession and in their community, in a passing on from generation to generation of unfounded yuppie self-confidence.

I don't want my school to lead me. I want to lead myself, and a life of love. I want my school to provide an environment where I can whet and satisfy my appetite, love, and feel loved. While the aged can offer knowledge and perspectives new to me, I will ever only have one instructor: Me.


At October 09, 2006 6:30 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Получил блюз Стивена Карпа
И Стивен Карп Ботинки
И моя одежда и мои волосы в беспорядке
Но Вы знаете, что я только не мог заботиться меньше

он идет в право blog
'Встреча, что является правильным и что является неправильным
О боге и моей девочке и всем это
Тихий, в то время как он делает подобно коту

'Причина он - поэт
Не сделайте Вы знаете это
И ветер, Вы можете унести это
'Причина я - г. Карп, король
И я свободен как птица на крыле

Бродите от города до города
Предположение я получает людей вниз
Но я не забочусь слишком много о, это
'Причините мою кишку, и мой бумажник жирен

Делайте целое тестом Лотты
Но я заслуживаю это хотя
Я имею душу и хорошее сердце золота
Так что я буду петь о войне в холоде

'Причина он - поэт
Не сделайте Вы знаете это
И ветер, Вы можете унести это
'Причина я - г. Карп, король
И я свободен как птица на крыле

Хорошо он пишет о мечтах
И он рифмы это с кажется
'Причина, кажется, что моя мечта всегда означает
То, что я могу пророчить все виды вещей

Хорошо парень, который роет Стивена
Должен пробовать трудно видеть
То, что он читает весь blogs и все это
И когда я нахожусь в городе, идут, см. это

'Причина он - поэт
Не сделайте Вы знаете это
И ветер, Вы можете унести это
'Причина я - г. Карп, король
И я свободен как птица на крыле

At October 10, 2006 8:30 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Step 2: accept that you are powerless to fight your addiction- it is a disease. You must give yourself up to a higher power, whatever form it takes (keep in mind- if it's not Jesus, you will be removed from the program).

Step 3: ?

Step 4: ?

Steps 5-11: ??

Step 12: Profit!

At October 10, 2006 8:34 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's the rich who are more likely to be unhappy.

At October 10, 2006 8:34 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and "I don't want to my school to lead me" (third paragraph)? Oopsies! Your last sentance is also incorrect; your dad is your driving instructor.

At October 10, 2006 9:55 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading this last entry. I am in a state of shock.
I agree with you on something.
I am scared of enjoying myself whilst reading your blog entries.
I am, therefore I think.
I hope.
(this is me by the way)

At October 13, 2006 10:40 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think I have mental problems at all, only communication problems - or rather other people have understanding problems

By the way, is sound mind the same as right thinking?

And it's "Give a gasp of life today" - sleep apnea. Milky Way is about being asleep and searching for your loved one in the quantum Globe. Simple, simple.

At October 14, 2006 8:31 p.m., Blogger carpo said...

What an honour to be graced by an impersonal appearance of Black&GreenAchilles:

To answer his question: sound mind causes right thought, and vice-versa.

At October 14, 2006 9:52 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought it was a nice write up


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